
AquaHome Holland

The AquaHome was developed by AquaHome Holland, for which the firms Euro Offshore and Smeulders Interieurgroep collaborated.

Euro Offshore (based in Werkendam in the Netherlands) has been leading in the construction of custom-built aluminium and fiberglass/composite workboats in The Netherlands for decades. In addition, Euro Offshore imports and distributes a wide range of offshore rescue equipment, such as lifeboats and davit systems. Clients include offshore and semi-commercial boat users, yacht owners, the military and the national police force.

For over sixty years, Smeulders Interieurgroep has been a highly valued partner in construction, detailing, materialisation, production and assembly of high-quality and durable customised interiors. In addition, Smeulders Interieurgroep is specialised in the design, production and supply of customised prefab bathroom solutions. Smeulders Interieurgroep has a large number of (international) clients and offers its services to companies, organisations and private individuals.

The nautical know-how present at Euro Offshore and the craftsmanship and extensive experience in the field of customised interiors of Smeulders Interieurgroep are combined in a houseboat with excellent sailing characteristics and a high-quality interior that can be fully customised.